yes, ive done claymation before, and for a grade, and my lord, if we had our hands THAT MUCH stuck in a squence, i would have failed
by the way
i got an A for that class
and btw
you suck
yes, ive done claymation before, and for a grade, and my lord, if we had our hands THAT MUCH stuck in a squence, i would have failed
by the way
i got an A for that class
and btw
you suck
Hey guess what! Fuck you! I don'y care if you failed or not. I made a boo boo. But it doesn't matter that much. Seriously. Look at it's score. 3.1. Now let's look at the score of one out of the two submissions you have. 1.9! Oh my! It looks as if you have just been owned! Now shut the fuck up and go dig a hole, fall in, and die. Please, do us all a favour.
whoops did i say wonderfull
i meant F*CKING BRILLIANT! Omfg...i laughed so hard...ive never even heard of the wow...hhahahahahha
Can't argue with that.
That was extremly good, and well thought out! Im anticipating this more than i anticipated the actuall movie! Take your time Tho! And one question, why did you call it Transitions (Star Wars), because a diffrent animator (im not mentioning in fear of losing my account :o!) had an animation titled Star Wars: Transitions, so you might wanna change the title to avoid gettin into trouble. but...AWESOME!
a guy mailed me about that (not the autheor but another viewer and mentioned it - i had no clue. I figured seeing as i'm not captilising or earning money from this and neither is he/she there isnt a problem - if they contacted me and had a problem i'd discuss it but song artists name their songs the same - i dont see why flash work can be similarly titled too. thanks for letting me knwo and as i said - shoudl the other author have a problem all they need to do is contact me and we'll talk.
Good Job
I really liked your style, but i thought maybe it could use some complimentary background music. Maybe there was some but i didn't hear it...dam dial up.. :-p ne ways..keep it up, i cant wait to see the next one!
darn there was...i really like the track...
Ha ! That was great!
Yea, really awesome except for the fact that the sound was to low, i had to give it a 2 for sound..sry..just if u get past judging, update it with louder sound.
i really LOVED the lip looked like a real mouth..but the drugged up guys laughing was annoying...try diffrent variations
yeh i know what you mean, i mite make it longer but at school we have flash mx 2004 and that cant be intalled on windows ME. but i should be getting a computer of my own soon ( i hope lol) and the time limit at school doesnt help, thanks for the comment
I liked the randomness....seeing im a random person....But, the words flashed by WAY to fast, so i couldn't read them.
Take one of the speed reading lessons ;)
Vist For all my work.
Age 33, Male
yeah, what about it
Joined on 6/20/04